To stone age or Tech age?The war on Technology in Katsina State


The evolution of Technology


The  World was taken by surprise when a little outbreak from the Village of Wuhan spread to become a Worldwide Pandemic.Little was known about this new threat save than it was  in the family of the SARS virus. Almost all activity around the world of Commerce,Business,Politics ,Education where shut down .Only essentials prevailed and it had to be absolute.Technology is used for communication and it speeds up a lot of processes.

Everyone moved online and digital businesses where done on Websites,Ecommerce,Socialmedia and was education for poor underdeveloped countries especially Radio and Whatsapp.Technology is not useful in itself but its application.

                                                  Source;Education Developmnet Centre

The Government of Katsina in Nigeria has issued  the ban of Whatsapp their reasons are it is a catalyst that speeds up schism amongst teachers in public school as a result to make and end of this the use of it is banned.A circular released says that it encourages insurbodination as a result as been outlawed.

                                              Children learning with Technology
                                              Source:World Bank Blog

The memo dated 7th December signed by Muhammad Dikko of the Education Ministry  had underlined the consequences of using the application in very strong terms to flouters,He highlighted the  need for Heads of school to remind the staff of the clampdown on anyone who used Socialmedia to critize the Government by the Ministry.

The HDI index has Nigeria rated low one of the contributing factor is Education.The vehicle that speed up communication and education is Technology.


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