I8 years later ,Victory a Supreme court order yet ....

In the rain and shine, the men in red sit, walk and sleep quietly most of the time around a conspicuous building at the corner piece of Bishop Aboyade Cole. They have decided  that they will remain where they are till they get what is due and should have accrued to them. The men in red where once staff of Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited but were sacked unceremoniously 18 years ago .

There the journey began from the Magistrate Court the plaintiffs winning all the way to the Supreme Court and men and family thought the victory had come finally  on the 20th of April 2018 but to their surprise this has not happened as the court order has been dismissed and not obeyed.The men in red then decided to camp outside  till it is obeyed defying all odds to do this.

The men  try and enjoy the "suffering" creating fun out of the precarious situation they have experienced for almost two decades.The gist of the story is this.
The men in red were employed as security personnel by Mobil  Producing Nigeria Unlimited for operation in Lagos in response to an advert sent out by Mobil.
They were taken through a comprehensive recruitment process as full staff of Mobil and employed.

Years later they were told to go for a course with the Nigerian Police .It was a basic guard training  fully funded by Mobil which lasted for 3-4 months and when they came back were christened Supernumerary Policemen SPY and handed Police Uniforms.
there the journey began .
Some internal issues unfolded and Mobil let go of the "SPY "policemen 860 of them unceremoniously. When the decision was appealed by the affected they were referred to the Police as they are their employers who in turn rejected ownership of them .

It erupted into a legal tussle starting  from the  lowest court Magistrate and the men in red winning till an appeal was made by Mobil Producing Nigeria appeal marked SC/33/2010 against the 2009 court of appeal judgement which was  unanimous in nature  which upheld that they were staff of the oil corporation.

The supreme Court ruled in  favour of the plaintiff and was delivered by the lead Justice of the Supreme Court Justice Iyang Okoro (JSC) who upheld the appeals court decision the summary of the facts is that the 1st to 15 respondents  who were led by Okon Johnson were employed by the appellant as supernumerary Police officers and issued appointment letters ;they were staff of Mobil and should be accorded all benefits.
They were therefore ordered to re-engage them and pay all outstanding owed allowances and salaries inclusive.

According to the Supreme Court judge the plaintiffs where employed as SPY and issued letters of appointment and they tried to offload them to the Nigerian police. The court upheld  the argument by the "SPY"policemen that they were staff of Mobil Nigeria Unlimited.
This was due to evidence presented showing the mode of appointment used by Mobil was not in compliance with the Police act which required any person or persons who require the service of Policemen must write to the  Inspector general of Police IGP and the process follow was the IGP requests for and goes on to receive clearance from the President of the Country.

When the clearance goes through the IGP is authorised by Police Council to direct the Police service Commision(PSC) to appoint who in return appoint and post to any establishment that requires them but that was not in the case of Mobil Nigeria Unlimited so the appeal was dismissed as it lacked merit.  

The court ruling has been disregarded and not enforced and the victory in Supreme court trivialized and the men are camped outside Mobil HQ in Lagos and Eket fighting for justice and their entitlement continue this civil disobedience .The Supreme Court the highest court in the land gave an order months after there is a non compliance by Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited who had tried to offload their staff to the Nigerian Police

Mobil facility in Eket also have the men causing civil disturbance in  the administrative Office


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