Set and achieve your financial goals.

  I started with a great job where I  was well paid but I found out each month I  just couldn't wait for payday to come  because I was already out of cash.😓 Most people believe to live a great life you need tons of money. Setting goals  for life  and living a simple step to achieving financial freedom. 

That sounds simple doesn't it? Why then do we seem to miss it?

That's because it all comes to a simple thing have a plan then you write it down.

First things first for financial freedom is to develop a freedom plan  by writing down.

Write it Down

The process of writing down helps in financial planning to gain freedom that is because it is documented for you to see it and clear to conceive. It is a constant reminder of what things could be if just had some financial discipline.

Make them SMART






This will help to streamline to the particular thing you should watch per time  no ambiguity.Yo need to create metrics to watch eg Outflow against inflow. Knowing fully well that if the former exceeds the latter there is bound to be more Paycheck to Paycheck living.

Create a Budget

You know your present income and expenses ,you will then create a workable budget for this dividing it  up prioritizing most important to least important. Its also important to save despite the budget.
This may involve some lifestyle changes to stay within the budget and adjusting some habits.

Track your expenses

This will help you see where your money is going and measure level of importance and priority so can cut down on expenses that unnecessary and debarring your moving to financial freedom. This helps with controlling costs, see what and how you are spending your money. 

They are daily markers showing if you are above or under your monthly budget 

Name your money 

Never leave any unaccounted sum of money lying loosely around this encourages abuse and spend on impulse. Let everything be accounted for so that if misappropriate you feel the pinch and adjust next time. Assign your money with a function. Leave no idle money lying around .
Make your money work for you and send it on errands .Just watch it

Invest your money

This is simply keeping your money in other places apart from your bank account and growing it. There different ways you can invest your money, different vehicles you can use.
You can try the piggy bank approach first or beyond look for a portfolio manager, you can invest in  real estates, invest in bitcoin, invest in cryptocurrency, invest in stocks, invest in gold, invest in forex.

Tie it to a project

It is nice to save and invest money but surely that cant be done for the sake of it .Separate the  money for a purpose tie to a project .Give yourself a target  to reach for example Set a target of amount X on day Y  .
There is always a feeling of accomplishment when you are able to achieve a task you set out for yourself and when you hit your goals. YES?

 Have Goal terms 

Divide or categorize your goals ,you you could set them up as short, medium, long term goals keeping your eyes on the ball always. Working towards something helps curb excessive spending and if unexpected expenses sprout up you will not be able to meet obligations.
Proper financial planning is all about goal setting terms so you will know what your financial position and standing is per time and what to do plan better financially


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